Palm Sunday (B) 2018
Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ according to Mark)
In the
responsorial psalm today you repeated words that were horrendous, coming, as
they once did, from the mouth of Jesus:
My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me?
Such a cry
can only have been forced out of Jesus by unimaginably intense suffering, for
He was, on earth, the very Son of God made flesh: as a Child He had been loved
and taught by Mary, protected by Joseph; He grew up in constant favour with God
and man; and His great delight was to learn from the Scriptures to
recognize with His human mind and respond with His human heart to His
heavenly Father more and more, day by day; He had been sent and endowed to save
Israel and, indeed, the whole of mankind; and in all that He did He sought only
to please and give glory to His Father in Heaven. How intense, therefore,
must those sufferings have been which led Him to cry out, “My God, My God, why
have You forsaken Me? Listen to the psalm again (22:7-8):
All who see Me mock at Me; they mock Me with parted
lips, they wag their heads: “He relied on the Lord; let Him deliver Him, let
Him rescue Him, if He loves Him.”
It is hard
to suffer unjust, ignorant, derision; derision from those of no principles
whose life-course bends with every prevailing wind, and whose only courage is
to run with the hounds and share in the pleasures of the mob.
But even
those who find themselves having to endure such derision -- when they have been
finally brought low, and their suffering and agony is visible to all -- will
hear, at times, individual voices being raised on their behalf, or perhaps find
themselves being accorded some compassionate and sympathetic gestures from one
or two onlookers more humane or tender-hearted than the others. There
were, indeed, some such who witnessed Jesus’ agony; but they were only
tender-hearted, they had no understanding of Jesus’ P/person and character, no
appreciation of His aims and purpose. And they only lamented, since no
one actually spoke up for Jesus personally, with the result that His
persecutors were able to laugh at His loneliness. Even worse, in their
laughter they mocked at His very thread of life saying:
He relied on the Lord, let Him rescue Him, if He loves Him!
Yes, Jesus
had trusted in the Lord, His Father! Throughout His life He had trusted
totally in His Father and He knew that His Father was totally
trustworthy. Now, however, it seemed that, as His life was draining away,
He was leaving a situation totally at variance with the ideal for which He had
lived. Jesus had wanted to lead His fellow Jews to recognise the Father
He proclaimed as the one true God Whom they and their fathers had always
worshiped: the one God and Father Whose wisdom and goodness could only be most
fittingly learnt and most fully appreciated from the witness and teaching of
His only-begotten Son now become man. And here were those to whom He had
been sent, and for whom He had laboured long and suffered much, mocking His
Father and their God with their jibe: “let Him save this fellow if this fellow
is His friend”.
Compared to
this Personal agony the physical torment was as nothing; nevertheless, physical
torment it was: He could count every one of His bones and was wracked by
agonizing cramps as He hung there; breathing was so horribly difficult for Him,
continually having to struggle to raise up His rib cage enough to experience
but the slightest relief from the dreadful and continuous threat of being smothered;
and then those holes in His hands and feet were pouring out His life-blood and
leaving Him with such a terrible thirst!
The psalm
which Jesus was reciting went on:
But You, O Lord, be not far from Me; O My help, hasten
to aid Me;
to the fact that He trusted His Father to the end; indeed, the psalm closes
with words of triumph:
I will proclaim Your name to My brethren; In the midst
of the assembly I will praise You. You who fear the LORD, praise
Him! All you descendants of Jacob, give glory to Him, revere Him, all you
descendants of Israel!
granting such a final outcome, the question becomes all the more pressing: why
did Jesus have to suffer so dreadfully in order to complete the work of our
It was not
only to save us from our sins, His holiness and majesty were infinitely more
than sufficient for that; but to restore and renew us individually so that each
of us might be able to recognize and respond to the love of His Father, from
Whose loving approval we had all originally turned at the behest of the
serpent … all that required and still requires our individual humble and loving
And so,
Jesus did not suffer horribly simply because it needed such suffering to free all of us from the weight of our sins; no, He suffered so much to show and hopefully
convince us, His brethren, to just what extent He Himself would, and we, each
and every one of us, could and should, trust the Father. He
willingly emptied Himself entirely of any Personal dignity, physical and
emotional reserves of strength, of any hope of possible escape or deliverance
other than His Father’s love and faithfulness which, however, He could no
longer feel or imagine. He suffered thus because He wanted to
proclaim to suffering humankind that no matter what their situation – for no
human suffering could possibly measure up to this – the Father was the One to
trust. He might have said this again in words, but words could in no way
give the weight of conviction offered by the living example of this Man who, so
totally forgetful of Himself, was relinquishing all that He had and was, and
committing Himself into His Father’s loving arms while agonizing on the Cross,
in order to make manifest to sinful men just how good, how totally admirable
and absolutely trustworthy, the Father is. Only by thus enduring and
triumphing over the worst the devil might inflict would Jesus be able free us
from fear of the devil by giving us an unquenchable hope in the Father’s
goodness, and thereby empower us to follow wherever His Spirit might lead us
for God’s glory and the salvation of the world.
Hear now
the words of St. Peter giving encouragement to a tiny flock of bewildered and
persecuted Christians in Asia Minor, and recognize how your faith today, dear
People of God, is indeed being offered the same nourishment as that which
enabled those Christians of old to triumph over their sufferings and transform
their world:
You were not redeemed with corruptible things, like
silver or gold, from your aimless conduct received by tradition from your
fathers, but with the precious blood of Christ, as of a Lamb without blemish
and without spot. He indeed was foreordained before the foundation
of the world, but was manifest in these last times for you who through Him believe
in God, Who raised Him from the dead and gave Him glory, so that your faith and
hope are in God.
(1 Peter 1:18-21)
Glory and
praise to you Lord Jesus Christ! You are the Saviour of the world!