Sunday of Advent (C)
5:1-4a; Hebrews 10:5-10; Luke 1:39-44)
It has been noted from very early times in the Church that whereas
the child John the Baptist -- still in the womb of his mother Elizabeth --
‘leapt for joy’ at the proximity of
Jesus, Elizabeth responded to the presence of Mary:
When Elizabeth heard Mary’s
greeting, the infant leaped in her womb, and Elizabeth, filled with the Holy
Spirit, cried out in a loud voice and said, “Most blessed are you among women,
and blessed is the fruit of your womb. And how does this happen to me that the mother
of my Lord should come to me? For at
the moment the sound of your greeting reached my ears, the infant in my womb
leaped for joy. Blessed are you who
believed that what was spoken to you by the Lord would be fulfilled.”
There is no question that Elizabeth appreciated that the
Infant being carried by Mary (the mother
of my Lord) was indeed the Lord
God of Israel:
And how does this happen to me
that the mother of my Lord -- who believed that what was spoken to her by the
Lord would be fulfilled -- should come to me?
Why then did not Elizabeth, together with her as yet unborn
son, rejoice at the proximity of ‘her Lord’ rather than at the presence of
As of old, some Protestants may, still today, feel their
‘traditional’ jealousy for the honour of Jesus which had been foreshadowed by Joshua’s
passionate reaction to what he feared was the demeaning of his master Moses (Numbers
When a young man told Moses, “Eldad
and Medad are prophesying in the camp,” Joshua, son of Nun, who from his youth
had been Moses’ aide, said, “Moses, my lord, stop them.” But Moses answered
him, “Are you jealous for my sake? Would
that all the people of the LORD were prophets!
Would that the LORD might bestow his spirit on them all!”
Such a reaction by Joshua and such rigidly protestant sentiments,
however, were and are far too narrow for the whole-hearted love of God, and far
too shallow for the depth of His wisdom; since we should recognize immediately
that it was under the guiding influence of the Holy Spirit of Jesus that
Elisabeth addressed herself to Mary, so that together with her son, the
proclaimer and precursor of Jesus, they might show Catholics and Christians of all
times how, fittingly and without fear, to welcome God’s good news of great joy for all people(s).
Mary was and is immaculate; the handmaid of the Lord Who
had done great things for her. All that
she has is of His great goodness and mercy; so that those well-known words of
What God has joined
together, let no man separate
are supremely significant in her regard. God the Father Himself, by His Spirit, joined
Mary to Jesus through her physicality and by her faith; thus, she is, always
and irrevocably, one with, and totally committed to, her Son. And that no jealousy should ever, or in any way,
try to separate them is the most important truth Elizabeth and her unborn son would
proclaim and teach to all willing to listen and learn for love of Jesus.
St. Augustine puts it most succinctly when he writes that
Mary conceived Jesus in her heart by faith before she conceived Him physically
in her womb; words which are an echo of the teaching of Jesus Himself (Luke
A woman from the crowd called out
and said to him, “Blessed is the womb that carried you and the breasts at which
you nursed.” He replied, “Rather,
blessed are those who hear the word of God and observe it.”
In our account of the Visitation, Mary is shown as a
figure, a foreshadowing, of the Church.
She is, by Jesus’ gift, our heavenly mother; the Church is our mother on
earth. For, as Mary gave birth to Jesus,
the Church herself gives birth to disciples of Jesus, born from her womb -- the
baptismal font -- by the power of the Holy Spirit bestowed on her by Jesus.
Mary is praised in Scripture as she who
believed that what was spoken to her by the Lord would be fulfilled, while
Mother Church ‘unfailingly adheres to the faith … delivered once for all to the
saints’. We should recognize this mystery
of oneness between Jesus, Mary, and the Church, and learn from Elizabeth and
John’s individually distinct reactions to Mary’s Visitation how best to welcome
and appreciate God’s Good News: by reverencing Mary and the Church she
foreshadowed and by devoting oneself to Jesus, carried on the bosom and in the
heart of the Church, commissioned by Him uniquely to proclaim the fullness of
His truth and dispense His saving grace.
So vitally important is this oneness of Jesus, Mary, and
the Church, that the conflict over its validity is most crucial; on the one
hand, it is the devil himself who is most deeply committed to the separation of
what God has thus joined, while, on the
other, Jesus explicitly promised that to the end of time He would be with His
Church to defend her against all the Devil’s attempts to destroy her. And to associate her with Himself in this
most vital combat He has given His own most Holy Spirit in fullness to His Church,
to guide her into all truth, and with His own most precious Body and Blood does
He continuously nourish her growth and deepen her love. When His disciples gather together as Church,
Jesus is infallibly in their midst leading their worship of the Father; and, in
their individual lives, He has promised, that by the Spirit He will abide with
His Father in the souls of all who love Him and will to obey Him,
Just as we heard in the second reading that:
When Christ came into the world, He
said: “Sacrifice and offering you did not desire, but a body you prepared for
me; holocausts and sin offerings you took no delight in. Then I said, ‘As is written of me in the
scroll, Behold, I come to do your will, O God’”
so now, in heaven at the right hand of the Father, He still
uses a body to continue His Father’s work on earth, not a fleshly one (which is
in heavenly glory) but a mystical body: His Church on earth, of which He is the
Head and which He continually nourishes and feeds by His sacramental body, the
Holy Eucharist.
No errant thinking resulting from human ignorance or
devilish pride, no burrowing, nagging, human fears so prevalent these days, must
ever separate what God has joined together.
Human beings, even those most highly placed in the Church, are ever weak,
and, each in their own degree, personal sinners. Indeed,
even those recognized as saintly or acclaimed as Saints may at times manifest such
human weaknesses, such personal failings and occasional sins. But the Church is greater, far greater, than
any of her individual members; even Mary is in the Church, as a uniquely
glorious member indeed, yet not above her; how much more, then, is the Church greater
than any other individual or groups of individuals. At times she suffers from, but is never to be
condemned by, the lucubrations of proud scholars; nor can she be judged by the
sinful behaviour of some -- always too many -- supposedly holy priests or
religious. Even when there are
circumstances in which we must necessarily grieve with and for her, still must we
ever reverence Mother Church, given to us for our salvation by the Lord Who is and
ever abides her Master and ours: He uses her uniquely to guide us and bless us;
He even uses her inherent weaknesses and human sinfulness for our warning and
salutary punishment. However, He never allows her to be led
herself, or to lead us her God-given children, away from His divine Truth; and
He always bestows His gifts of grace through her sacraments and in answer to
her prayers.
People of God learn from Elizabeth; she was, as the Gospel tells
us, ‘filled with the Holy Spirit’, and that Holy Spirit led her to cry out:
How does this happen to me that
the mother of my Lord should come to me?
With Elizabeth therefore, reverence, love, serve, honour,
trust, stand up for, pray for, and delight in, Mother Church; do all these
things not because of her earthly pomp or worldly successes, her prestige or
influence, but because she is one with Christ, she is His Body, He is her Head,
and His Spirit is her very life.
We should also learn from the overpowering and irrepressible joy shown by the unborn John: joy that One, as yet Himself unborn, has come; One Who would, by His own Spirit of Holiness, purge Israel of her sin, just as He was at that very moment sanctifying John himself, though still in his mother’s womb, by the same Spirit of holiness. This Child – mightier than John – was the One Whose way he, John, would prepare by his life of penance and preaching of repentance:
We should also learn from the overpowering and irrepressible joy shown by the unborn John: joy that One, as yet Himself unborn, has come; One Who would, by His own Spirit of Holiness, purge Israel of her sin, just as He was at that very moment sanctifying John himself, though still in his mother’s womb, by the same Spirit of holiness. This Child – mightier than John – was the One Whose way he, John, would prepare by his life of penance and preaching of repentance:
And he went into all the region around the Jordan,
preaching a baptism of repentance for the remission of sins. (Luke 3:3)
This was the joy of Simeon too, who, on receiving
the Infant in his arms from Mary declared:
Lord, now You are letting Your servant depart in
peace, according to Your word. For my
eyes have seen Your salvation which You have prepared before the face of all
peoples: a light to bring revelation to the Gentiles, and the glory of Your
people Israel. (Luke 2:29-32)
Finally, this heavenly glory, this spiritual joy,
is Mary’s very own, celebrated most sublimely in her great canticle of humility
and gratitude:
My soul magnifies the Lord, and my spirit has
rejoiced in God my Saviour. For He has
regarded the lowly state of His maidservant; for behold, henceforth all
generations will call me blessed. For
He who is mighty has done great things for me, and holy is His name. (Luke
Therefore, dear People of God, you who have been
chosen in Christ, look forward to Christmas with spiritual joy; look forward,
that is, to what the God of all faithfulness and truth, beauty and goodness, promises
He will give, not what human desires solicit. In this holy season our joy should be -- first
and foremost -- like that of John, simple and sincere; a joy which encourages
and enables us to open our minds and hearts, to offer our very lives, to the
One who comes to do His Father's will; a joy that compels us with Elizabeth, to
lovingly reverence and acknowledge His Church, asking that through her, our mother, He might continue
to teach us His ways and bless us with His empowering Spirit, so that we too --
as true disciples -- may seek with Him in all things to promote the Father’s glory.