5th. Sunday of
Easter (C)
14:21-27; Rev. 21:1-5; John 13:31-35)
I, John, saw a new
Jerusalem, God’s dwelling with His people as their God. He will wipe every tear
from their eyes. The One who sat on the
throne said, “Behold, I make all things new.”
I give you a new
commandment, says the Lord: love one another as I have loved you.
God's work of making
all things new began with Jesus, our Lord and Saviour, Son of God and Son of
Man. The Son shared with His Father and the Holy Spirit in the original
creation when God made all things through the Son in the Spirit; that is why --
now that all things are in the process of being made new – the Son
Incarnate, Jesus of Nazareth, having been crucified and raised from the dead in
the power of the Spirit, appeared to His Apostles locked in the Upper Room for
fear of the Jews and breathed His Spirit on them. His breathing upon them was precisely the
sign of a new creation being made. Just as God had breathed on the original
The LORD God formed
man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of
life; and man became a living being (Genesis 2:7),
so Jesus, appearing
in the midst of His disciples and having shown them the wounds in His hands and
His side, said to them:
Peace to you! As the
Father has sent Me, I also send you."
And when He had said this, He breathed on them, and said, "Receive
the Holy Spirit.” (John 20:19-22)
God is making all
things new, and Jesus, the Risen Lord, shares in His Father’s work by breathing
the Holy Spirit upon His Apostles, thereby making them into the nucleus of that
new creation where sin is to be overthrown by the cleansing and empowering
presence of God's Holy Spirit. A new
creation indeed: the Family of God, Mother Church, work of the Father, Son, and
Holy Spirit, where God bestows new life in Jesus and where Jesus calls upon all
members -- of Himself and of God’s family -- to love one another by the Spirit
He bestows on them, as He, Jesus, loved those to whom His Father had sent Him
on His earthly mission.
LIFE and LOVE! That is what Christianity is all about!
What is LIFE all
about in our modern world and society however?
Governments of all kinds prescribe life-styles for their countrymen or
those under their power. Even … I was
actually going to write, ‘even Christian governments’ … but then I thought, are
there any Christian governments?
Certainly not in England, America, Europe etc. … Those governments of what used to call
themselves Christian countries now proclaim and impose nothing better than
their own up-to-date version of officially approved, politically correct ‘ethical’ living, smattered here and there with vestiges or memorials of what
was formerly Christian practice … speaking, for example, of marriage where
husband and wife can now be two elderly men, and of family where un-natural
children (un-natural – not of themselves indeed – but for such a union) are
bestowed with government blessing upon ‘couples’ chosen for all sorts of
abilities and qualities except that if being able to give, bestow, life!
What again do the
majority of our contemporaries think LOVE is all about? It is the most bastardized word or concept of
all in our modern society because its origin is sublime and its purpose is eminently
dignifying and fulfilling. However,
‘love’ in the Hollywood sense of the word and in the lurid pictures and images
it provides, is used to touch-up and justify a most degrading and destructive
mixture of lust and pleasure, violence and vengeance, instead of bringing
beauty and purpose, joy and hope, to even the bleakest of human situations.
‘Family’ and ‘love’,
two most sublime words when lived in accordance with their original Christian
significance and open to their innate spiritual power, become poisonous when
used by specious scholars as propaganda or by irreligious (proudly so!) modern
men and women as words to cover up or excuse what are merely worldly
aspirations of the flesh (which inevitably turns to corruption) and
appreciations that look no further than the grave (proving themselves to be
ultimately selfish)
LIFE and LOVE in
the Eucharist! That is what
Christianity is all about.
Our closest bond is,
humanly speaking, flesh and blood, and God’s new creation is not alien to, at
variance with, such deep-rooted natural human awareness: that bond, however, is
made supernatural and becomes capable of sustaining eternal life and the
ultimate love by our partaking of and sharing in the Body and Blood of
Christ! In Jesus our Lord, Who gave
Himself for us and offers Himself to us as food for eternal life, we are made uniquely and supremely one as adopted
Children of God, family in Jesus of Him Who is pleased to be our Father. It is not human family, not shared
sufferings, most certainly not racial superiority or hatreds (ISIS), that can
truly and sublimely unite us, but only and exclusively our being one with and in Jesus -- the supreme, divine, reality in the whole of God's creation -- by the Spirit, for the Father,
and for His plan and purpose to make ‘all things new’:
As the living Father
sent Me and I live because of the Father, so he who feeds on Me will live because
of Me; ( John 6:57)
So then, let us do
good to all, but especially to those who belong to the family of the
(Galatians 6:10); and again (1st Peter 2:17):
Honour everyone. Love the family of believers. Fear God.
Honour the
To further understand this essential
aspect of Jesus let us look yet more closely at the Gospel.
Jesus was proud, humanly speaking, to be a
Jew and member of God’s Chosen People serving the salvation of all mankind:
The woman said to
him, “Sir, I can see that you are a prophet.
Our ancestors worshipped on this mountain; but you people say that the
place to worship is in Jerusalem.” Jesus
said to her, “Believe Me, woman, the hour is coming when you will worship the
Father neither on this mountain nor in Jerusalem. You people worship what you do not
understand; we worship what we understand, because salvation is from the
Jews. (John 44:19-22)
Again, recall Jesus
emphasising His solidarity, oneness, with another particular group:
While Jesus was still
speaking to the crowds, His mother and His brothers appeared outside, (asking)
to speak with Him. But He said in reply
to the one who told Him, “Who is My mother? Who are My brothers?” And stretching out His hand toward His
disciples, He said, “Here are My mother and My brothers. For whoever does the will of My heavenly
Father is My brother, and sister, and mother.” (Matthew 12:46–50)
‘Whoever does the
will of My heavenly Father is My real family’, Jesus makes abundantly clear.
Our modern
rationalists -- political propagandists, and others deeply opposed to religion -- love to show and abuse their remembrance of certain Christian teachings and
ultimate aspirations by ever reasserting modern versions or adaptations of the
famous revolutionary trinity, Liberty, Fraternity and Equality; most beautiful
Christian concepts indeed, which they, however, idealize beyond truthfulness
and practicality by excluding the very, very, human reality of sin which
requires the Christian awareness and practice of repentance and -- most
objectionably for such revolutionaries -- the awareness and practice of
Christian humility before God and man.
Dear People of God,
our liturgical Sacrifice of the Eucharist and our personal sacramental
reception of and commitment to the fruit of that sacrifice is the supreme seal
of mankind’s saving oneness with Jesus, of our filial appreciation and
embracing of the Father’s good-will for
His adopted children, and the bonding of our human togetherness in
mutual reverence and rejoicing.
Treasure your Mass; pray with confidence for Mother Church.