Sunday, Year (A)
55:1-3; Romans 8:35, 37-39; Matthew 14:13-21)
In the ancient world of the Gospel’s beginning Christians
were mocked by the learning of Athens and persecuted by the power of Rome for
proclaiming a unique God Who having taken on human flesh, lived, died, and rose
again for our salvation. And still today,
Christians and above all Catholics, are mocked and reviled, rejected and
persecuted more than any other religious body, for proclaiming this Jesus as
the Way, the Truth and the Life for human beings, whereas so many of the wise
ones of this world still repeat the question of Pilate, ‘What is Truth?’, and
so many non-believers hate a God Who warns that a life of self-will and pride, pleasure
and plenty, will ultimately lead to death and even damnation.
In Isaiah’s time, as you heard in the first reading, things
were much the same: the success many people looked for was that of having a
life of rich fare, lands, flocks, and houses to boast of, whilst worship of the
most popular god from the local pantheon was the obvious way to walk
together with plenty of companions of easy persuasion rather than the disciplined way of obedience in response the Israel’s one and only God.
together with plenty of companions of easy persuasion rather than the disciplined way of obedience in response the Israel’s one and only God.
What did Isaiah proclaim in the name of the God of Israel:
Isaiah spoke in the name of the God of Israel Whom no man
could ever see and live; a God unseen indeed but not unknown, since He had been
active in Israel’s history for over a thousand years, and, indeed, it was He
Who had made Israel into a nation.
In our second reading, however, this true but unseen God had
taken on human flesh, becoming incarnate in Jesus Christ, and St. Paul offers
for our aspirations not a pottage of worldly success or social popularity, but
that supreme blessing for the human heart and mind, which is the abiding
love of the God Who made us:
Nothing can come between us
and the love of Christ …. Nothing can ever come between us and the love of God
made visible in Christ Jesus our Lord.
St. Paul offers us there a shield, a helmet of salvation, for
our present situation:
Even if we are troubled or
worried, or being persecuted, or lacking food or clothes or being threatened or
even attacked …. These are (but) trials through which we triumph, by the power
of Him who loved us.
From that you can appreciate how the spirits that rule our modern
world and technological society are increasingly hostile to Jesus: He claims a
power they will not acknowledge because it is greater than anything they
themselves can muster; a power He exercises, moreover, through those who appear
to be nothing, because they fear, obey, and love, the God Who speaks to them in
their conscience: Who teaches and guides their experience of life as disciples
of Him Whose love for mankind triumphed over the torments of the Cross.
Today, our alien society and hostile world, along with their
ages-old proclamation of success and
popularity as the only criteria for a worth-while life, also assert that there
is no creator-god greater than modern mankind itself – armed with scientific
knowledge and technological ability – able to fulfil modern aspirations now
freed from all the taboos of religious fears and imagining: there is no God Who
wants to speak with you personally; there is nothing special about you that
cannot be seen and appreciated by society around you, and treated appropriately by socially
approved ‘health-and-happiness experts’.
However, there is still something that makes us yet more
mysterious and suspicious to all secular influences around us, for our Faith in
God and Love for our Saviour are imbued with an unbounded Hope, and a resulting
confidence which springs up within us from the Gospel proclamation you heard:
Jesus said to His disciples:
There is no need for them (the hungry) to go: give them something to eat
yourselves. He took the five loaves and
two fish, raised His eyes to heaven and said the blessing. And breaking the loaves, He handed them to
His disciples who gave them to the crowds.
They all ate as much as they wanted, and they collected the scraps;
remaining, twelve baskets full. Those
who ate numbered about five thousand men, to say nothing of women and children.
There, of course, we see foreshadowed the Holy Eucharist in
Mother Church, that sacrificial offering and sacramental banquet we are now in
the process of celebrating.
Holy Mass is, indeed, the deepest and surest source of our Hope since here Jesus’ very sacrifice of Himself is our offering to the Father, and the Holy Spirit we receive in return is the Gift of the Father and bequest of the Son, through Whom God’s life and power are at work in Mother Church and in our individual lives. The sacramental Gift we receive is a power that can easily transcend our personal weakness, and cannot be thwarted even by our sinfulness, because the Spirit’s Personal mission is to raise up children of Mother Church who will not bend the knee to Satan, children whose Faith, Hope, and Love will allow Him to form them in the likeness of the Jesus Who said:
Holy Mass is, indeed, the deepest and surest source of our Hope since here Jesus’ very sacrifice of Himself is our offering to the Father, and the Holy Spirit we receive in return is the Gift of the Father and bequest of the Son, through Whom God’s life and power are at work in Mother Church and in our individual lives. The sacramental Gift we receive is a power that can easily transcend our personal weakness, and cannot be thwarted even by our sinfulness, because the Spirit’s Personal mission is to raise up children of Mother Church who will not bend the knee to Satan, children whose Faith, Hope, and Love will allow Him to form them in the likeness of the Jesus Who said:
In the world you will have
tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world. (John 16:33)
So today, in the face of the world’s mockery Jesus calls
us, as He did His Apostles in our Gospel reading to ‘give our needy world food yourselves', that is, from your Catholic and Christian awareness, experience, understanding and love of
Jesus in your contemporary lives, in fulfilment of the prophetic calling by
attention, come to me; listen, and
your soul will live.
Have no part therefore, dear People of God, in the throng
of lusty, easy-going companions enjoying life as they would going to some mega
occasion, crowding to worship their popular idols who -- with microphone in
their hands -- sway and gesticulate hoping to encourage you likewise to sway
with them and thus imbibe yourselves and communicate to all around you the
emotion that is driving those idols to caress the microphone they are holding
so lovingly and the head of which needs to be brought ever nearer to their glittering
and quivering lips or gaping throat!!
TURN ASIDE, Isaiah says, from such pseudo-emotion, so carefully
stoked-up with the help of glaring lights and pulsating music, AND LISTEN to
God Who seeks to speak with you in the depths of your heart, hearken to
Him, Who alone can give you true fulfilment – not childish/devilish excitement,
not success which consists in nothing more than passing popularity or
plentiful possessions -- but real life itself, soul-life, transcendent and
eternal life, at peace with One far greater than your own needy self, with the One
Who knows you through and through, and whose love is not emotional but simply a
commitment of being totally FOR YOU which is far, far above, immeasurably
better and beyond, what is earthly.
And now we come to the very essence of today’s Gospel for
our modern times, for Jesus says to His present-day apostles, mere local people
– not Pope or Bishops so strangely silent – but like the original yokels from
Galilee as the high society of Jerusalem thought:
them some food yourselves!
Yes, you who think you have nothing to give: ‘Bring that
nothing, here to Me’.
What do you have, dear People of God here at
Mass? You do not know?
Let me tell you: You have the power to bear witness to Jesus, by the mere statement that you are a Catholic, a Christian, a believer who loves Jesus, who trusts Him, who hopes in Him for heavenly life to come. Notice that the disciples had only five loaves and two fish for thousands of people, you need only witness to the fact that you believe Jesus, you love Him .... you don’t have to give an explanation, maybe you can’t, but that is not essential, bring what you have to Jesus, that is, I repeat, the FACT of your love for Him, your belief and hope in Him!
Let me tell you: You have the power to bear witness to Jesus, by the mere statement that you are a Catholic, a Christian, a believer who loves Jesus, who trusts Him, who hopes in Him for heavenly life to come. Notice that the disciples had only five loaves and two fish for thousands of people, you need only witness to the fact that you believe Jesus, you love Him .... you don’t have to give an explanation, maybe you can’t, but that is not essential, bring what you have to Jesus, that is, I repeat, the FACT of your love for Him, your belief and hope in Him!
You can then leave it there, as did those apostles of old,
Jesus took what they had and used it to do what only He could do. Put your neck on the line and have confidence
in Jesus, He wants only your witness, He does not expect you to give
also an explanation for your belief, your love, your hope, He will call others
to do just that. Remember,
It will
not be you who speak but the Spirit of your Father speaking through you.
Go in peace with God, dear People of God, when you leave
this Church; and go also with a greater measure of confidence in your Catholic
and Christian selves too.