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Friday, 19 November 2021

Christ the King Year B 2021

Christ the King (B)                  (Daniel 7:13-14; Apocalypse 1:5-8; John 18:33-37)


In our readings today we are given a magnificent portrait of Him Who is our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ, the Son of God become Son of Man:

As the visions during the night continued, I saw coming with the clouds of heaven One like a son of man.  When He reached the Ancient of Days and was presented before Him, He received dominion, splendour, and kingship; all nations, peoples and tongues will serve Him.  His dominion is an everlasting dominion that shall not pass away, His kingship one that shall not be destroyed.

Behold, He is coming amid the clouds, and every eye will see Him, even those who pierced Him.  All the peoples of the earth will lament Him.  Yes.   Amen.

And Jesus, in answer to Pontius Pilate’s question, pictured Himself as follows:

You say I am a king. For this I was born, and for this I came into the world, to testify to the truth.  Everyone who belongs to the truth listens to My voice.

Jesus is therefore our King, and today we celebrate His saving rule in our lives.  As He told us, He came, as King, to bear witness to -- that is to proclaim in word and deed, by His death as throughout His life – the truth about God and His plan for our salvation.  He came as King in this respect because His proclamation of the truth had to be both authoritative and unambiguous, subject to neither frustration nor failure; and His message of love and forgiveness had ultimately to be heard in all the fullness of its beauty and power by all men.  As King, therefore, Jesus not only proclaims the Truth, He makes the Truth manifest, because He is the Truth:

            I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life.

That means, that those who have embraced the love that God has for us by believing in Our Lord Jesus’ proclamation and manifestation of that truth by His life and death, His words and works, have God -- Who is love -- abiding in them.

Consequently, we can appreciate that truth is not just words to be heard, it is a revelation of God’s very self, meant to be lovingly believed in order that God’s purpose for it may be fulfilled as Isaiah prophesied:

My word that goes forth from My mouth shall not return to Me empty, but shall do what pleases Me, achieving the end for which I sent it;

So will the Lord God make justice spring up and praise before all the nations (Isaiah 55:11; 61:11);

a fulfilment most beautifully celebrated by the Psalmist (Psalm 85:11) with the words:

Love and truth will meet; justice and peace will kiss.

It was strange, however, to hear the author of the book of Revelation emphatically assuring us that, when our Lord and Saviour comes in His glory:

Every eye will see Him, even those who pierced Him.  And all the peoples of the earth will lament Him.  Yes.   Amen.

His coming will cause all the tribes of the earth to mourn, every eye to lament?  Obviously -- it would seem to us -- those who killed Him will mourn at His return in glory; but why should it be that all will lament, even those who loved Him?  

This will be because of the Truth; since it is, indeed, Gospel truth that all of us, each and every one of us on earth, have sinned:

There is no one just, not one; there is no one who understands, there is no one who seeks God.  All have gone astray; all alike are worthless, there is not one who does good, not even one. (Romans 3:10-12)

However, those who receive the truth manifested and proclaimed in the Lord’s first coming, lament the evil that was done to Him then, above all they mourn their own part in that evil.  That is, they lament and mourn out of love, out of sympathy, for Him, and out of regret for and displeasure with their own behaviour.  For them, when Jesus’ comes on the clouds in glory, those other words of Scripture will be gloriously fulfilled:

You have changed my mourning into dancing; You have taken off my sackcloth and clothed me with gladness, that my soul may praise You and not be silent.  O Lord my God, forever I will give You thanks. (Psalm 30:11-12)

Those, on the other hand, who do not receive, do not embrace, that Truth made manifest in Jesus, will mourn simply and solely when He returns in glory: there will be no love for, no sympathy with, Him; nothing more than soul-deadening rejection of Him, and ever greater concern for themselves.

People of God, the kingdom of God, Jesus once said, is among you; and so -- today as every day -- the question, the drama, of truth and its reception is going on around us in society, in our community, and in the secret depths of our very own, individual, hearts and souls.  How do we, how should we, react to God’s truth in Mother Church?

There are those, who seem to think that truth is above all to be appreciated by our minds; as extensively and as accurately as possible.  On the other hand, there are those who think that heart’s love is really all that matters.   Let us consider aspects of those two attitudes a little more closely.

Many Catholics are perfectly content with themselves when they go to Mass and receive the Sacraments on the appointed days, as they have always done; they say they know the faith: they were taught it at school; or they received it in the instruction given them by a priest, say at conversion and baptism, or when they were preparing for marriage; and they gladly fulfil the obligations they originally accepted as part and parcel of the faith, but think no further.  Here we have an example of the proclaimed truth being retained by the mind -- believers doing what they have been taught and accepted -- but no longer provoking a responsive love of the heart for the God and Father originally embraced.  At the head of such disciples as these can be found clerics of all levels who will ‘say’ Mass and give the Sacraments in double-quick time, and present Catholic doctrine and spirituality with words that are, too often, little more than bloodless transcripts of Jesus’ words of life: mere abstract truths or cold mental concepts.

On the other hand, those who think that love is all that really matters are most content when they can give themselves exclusively to devotions or charity, to social involvement or emotional prayers: these have a full heart, indeed, but a mind which is not only relatively inactive, but even scornful of any need for better appreciation or greater understanding of the faith.  These Catholics rarely have any doubts about themselves, they do not experience any need to ask about, search for, deeper understanding of what they say they believe.  Quite satisfied with what they perceive as their own sure knowledge and warm heart, they fully approve of and aver the sincerity of their own actions and intentions.  And yet, how many sects have separated themselves from Mother Church over the centuries because of such disciples’ ignorance of personal maturity in Christ, and self-righteous scandal at others sins and failings!

People of God, Jesus has come to bear witness to the truth for us, and He tells us that:

            Everyone who is of the truth hears My voice.

That is, everyone who is of the truth hears now, listens for, God’s voice calling throughout the whole of their life: HEARS day-long, alert at whatever hour to HEAR from and respond to Him they love and need above all.  And even though what they hear is not always to their immediate liking, even though the message they hear may at times, be about their own sinfulness and failings, nevertheless, even such words of the Lord are heard and embraced with reverence and contrite love.

So, People of God, on this feast of Christ the King let us open both our minds and our hearts to Him in His Gospel proclamation, which continues to be heard to this very day in our most modern world through Mother Church’s liturgy and life.  It is a proclamation of faith not just to be remembered as ammunition for argument, we need to appreciate and love it, by committing ourselves to live by it and for it and GROW in it; only thus will we allow it to fulfil God’s purpose in our lives.  Jesus assures us that for God, Truth and Love are one; let us also recall those other words of His to the effect that what God has joined together in life-commitment, none of us should ever try to separate.