The epiphany (2020)
60:1-6; Ephesians 3:2-3, 5-6; Matthew 2:1-12)
In the Eastern Church today’s
solemnity of the Epiphany of Our Lord has precedence over Christmas, whereas
for us in the West, Christmas Day is the greater celebration; and the reason
for this diversity is that these two solemn celebrations are complementary
At Christmas we celebrate God’s
inconceivable humility and wondrous goodness whereby His only-begotten Son puts
on human flesh, becoming Himself fully and truly human in His divine Sonship,
in order to involve Himself with us totally – sin alone excepted -- for a right
understanding and resolving of the mess into which we had got ourselves and our
world by deliberate and wilful sinning against God. And that
Christmas awareness of such amazing humility and goodness on God’s part is both
a constant reminder of the ugliness and folly of our pride, and a persistently loving
provocation to recognize and respond to the
beauty of His Son-among-us, and learn from Him to renew something of the
original beauty of our creation by humble gratitude and trust as children of
God in the Son sent to be our Saviour.
On Christmas Day we recalled the
words of Elizabeth to Mary our Mother:
Blessed are you who believed that what was spoken to you by the Lord
would be fulfilled (Luke 1:45);
and we too, as her true children, at
Christmas renewed the sincerity of our belief in Jesus our Lord and Saviour and
the simplicity of our trust in God’s promises for our salvation.
At the Epiphany, however, we rejoice
in the divine glory manifested in the earthly life and being of Him Who, though
coming as Saviour, deigns to be like us:
As an Infant, Who, like some uniquely wondrous lodestone, draws the
heavens (planetary movements of those times being apparently confirmed by
modern computer simulation) and the Magi (men guided by their learning in
science and philosophy and deeply motivated by their sincere religious
commitment) from lands afar, to His crib in Bethlehem;
At His baptism, when His humility before John opened the very heavens,
calling forth a divine witness as the Spirit descended upon Him like a dove,
and the Father proclaimed Him to be His own beloved Son;
At the wedding in Cana, where as a passing guest He changed, at His
mother’s instigation (!), water into rich and copious new wine; His power there
being manifested and matched by His divine awareness, human generosity, and
filial compliance.
All these resplendent signs of His
human majesty, glory, power, and compassion, give us unshakeable confidence
that what He has promised, He can and will fulfil in and for His Church
throughout the succeeding ages of her public proclamation of, and Spirit-guided
witness to, His Good News, and for all His true disciples as they try to live
their personal lives according to His teaching and for the praise and glory of
His most holy Name.
For us, therefore, who are disciples
of Jesus, there should be a more than worldly, human, joy when we celebrate the
birth, the majesty and power, of Jesus, because His Kingdom is not of this
world, as He Himself said. As you all are well aware, though human
joy is most desirable, experience does -- at times -- show it to be equally
unreliable; again, worldly joy can change some people into louts and hooligans
even more easily than it makes others into happy and generous companions; and
when circumstances change, such joy can quickly disappear, leaving behind it
corrosive complaint rather than grateful and calm peace.
Jesus the Lord triumphed for us by overcoming
death and destroying the rule of sin in our flesh, and His renewed coming this
Christmas season is a confirmation of His promise that He will share His triumph with
all who put their faith, and find their joy, in Him, becoming one with Him
through baptism and the Eucharist. His victories are eternally valid;
for, in His Resurrection and Ascension human flesh has once again been restored
to heaven and is now, indeed, at the right hand of the Father in glory;
and He, the Risen Son of Man, is both willing and able to triumph over the
darkness of sin and ignorance, not only in the world around us, as was shown by
His bringing to naught the schemes of that cunning and murderous tyrant, Herod:
Arise, shine; for your light has come, the glory of the LORD has dawned
upon you. Though darkness covers the earth and thick clouds the peoples, upon
you the LORD will dawn and over you His glory will be seen;
but also, in our own very intimate,
complicated, and shadowy, minds and hearts.
Just as at Christmas we rejoiced and
renewed our humble and grateful trust in the promises made to us in Christ, in
accordance with the teaching of St. Paul who most emphatically teaches us (2
Corinthians 1:20) that:
However many are the promises of God, their "Yes" (is) in Him;
therefore the Amen from us also goes to God for glory;
even so now, on this feast of the
Epiphany – a word which means the shining-forth, manifestation, of the glory of
Christ – we should exultantly rejoice, and stir up anew the confidence which
heaven alone gives, as the prophet Isaiah proclaimed:
Then you shall see and be radiant, your heart shall throb and overflow.
For the riches of the sea shall be poured out before you, the wealth of
nations shall come to you.
Grateful trust and sure confidence,
humility and power, patience and vigour, joy and peace, each is so necessary
for, and all are so beautifully complementary in, the fulfilment of our
Christian vocation and personal calling, just as Christmas and Epiphany are
equally essential for the fullness of our appreciation and liturgical
celebration of Jesus, perfect God and perfect Man, coming to serve us as our
total and unique Saviour.
And so, though the deep darkness of
human sin is so evident in the world around, and even though our own souls may
know too much of its oppressive shadow at times, nevertheless, His glory will
appear for those who firmly believe His promises and confidently commit their lives
to His most loving, and supremely powerful, Providence.
Therefore, People of God, I urge you
in this holy season to discover deeper peace by confirming your trust in Jesus’
promises, and to renew your confidence by stirring up your joy, as you celebrate
His glory and power; for such are the signs given and the blessings offered us
in this sublime culmination of the Christmas season which is today’s Epiphany.
The multitude of angels sang:
The multitude of angels sang:
Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace to those on whom His
favour rests!
And the shepherds, having told their
good tidings to all gathered around the Infant Christ, returned to their sheep
in the fields:
Glorifying and praising God for all they had heard and seen, just as it
had been told to them.
Let all of us, too, dear friends in
Christ, sincerely pray that our celebration of the Epiphany today may give
glory to God and further the exaltation of Holy Mother Church, through the
comforting and strengthening of all those who are her true children.