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Friday, 23 December 2022

Christmas: Mass during the day, 2022



(Isaiah 52:7-10; Hebrews 1:1-6; John 1:1-18)


 Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, today is special, even in this country which no longer believes the Christian faith.  Why is Christmas so very special for us who do believe, who are believing and practicing Catholics and Christians? 

Of course, the supreme reason why Christmas is so special to us is that at Christmas we celebrate the birth -- as man born of the Virgin Mary of Nazareth – of God’s heavenly, only-begotten, Son: born, not of man, but by the power and grace of God’s most Holy Spirit, so that His mother, Mary of Nazareth, at His conception, in His birth was, and subsequently, throughout her life, remained, always a true virgin: the mother of a beautiful Child Who was the most sublime Gift of God.

This absolutely unique Child was perfect God and perfect man, and yet there was for Him, in His human being, a problem: one not recognized early on, but there, nevertheless, at the very centre of His being and gradually-developing consciousness, a question for Himself to solve: who is My father??

His mother always referred to St. Joseph as His father, and St. Joseph always behaved as such: loving, protecting, guiding and teaching the young Jesus through His teens and early manhood.  Jesus saw, He knew, that Mary and Joseph were one for Him, and He loved them both with all His heart, but while Mary was undoubtedly His mother, just as He was her child, the boy Jesus could not quite say that Joseph was His father; because He had an awareness, deep in His being, that God --- the God to Whom He Himself, together with Mary and Joseph, and all Israel, prayed, the God Who had made the whole of beautiful creation where, in which, He lived and played, with which worked as ‘the carpenter’s son’ --- yes, indeed, God Himself, sometimes seemed to say something to Him; something that touched Him so very, very, deeply, something that led Him to think that GOD was the  only One Whom He could fully, most humbly and gratefully, call Father.  

It all came to a surprising head when Joseph, Mary, and Jesus went on their annual pilgrimage to the Temple in Jerusalem.  Jesus was about 12 years old and He was so very impressed by the Temple worship He witnessed and took part in, by the words about God and the Scriptures that He heard from the priests, scribes, and holy people He met there, that He entirely forgot to turn up for the caravan preparing to leave for home, the caravan which, consequently, left without Him: Mary and Joseph having thought that He, Jesus, was with other young people excitedly running hither and thither, helping here and there, as they slowly moved off.

Jesus was, as I said, engrossed with what He witnessed and heard in the Temple and its precincts; but He was even more aware of and engrossed by a far deeper awareness of the One speaking in His inmost being: speaking so secretly, so meaningfully, and so very purposefully, that three days passed by before Mary and Joseph eventually found Him in the Temple precincts still listening, questioning and, occasionally, speaking about God.

As you will remember, Mary reproved her Son with the words:

Son, why have You treated us this way?  Behold, Your father and I have been anxiously looking for You!

Those words of Mary were suddenly determinative for Jesus, Who quite deliberately, calmly, and yet so very decisively said:

Why is it that you were looking for Me?  Did you not know that I must be in MY FATHER’S house?     (Luke 2: 48-49)

Mary and Joseph did not understand of course, but they all left together,  with the young Son now being led by that mysterious inner voice as well as – for the present – by the voices of His mother and presumed father, whom He obediently lived with, worked with, and loved in their home at Nazareth.

Mary treasured all these things in her heart for things were never quite the same again: her Son was manifestly growing in wisdom before and, more and more, with God; and also in His standing among local people gradually becoming aware of Jesus’ secret ‘something’.

The decisive moment came when Jesus was near 30 years old.  Still living in Nazareth and working as the son of the carpenter, He heard about His cousin John the Baptist’s work and pondered in His mind and heart on how God seemed to be working with John in that work.  Jesus’ pondering was, however, more listening than thinking; and His listening for that inner voice was always accompanied by His Own prayerful response to, and longing for, Him Whom Jesus now recognized exclusively as ‘My Father’, (cfr. Mt: 23:9):

Call no one on earth your father; you have but one Father in heaven.

After years of reading and learning as He searched the Scriptures for whatever they could tell Him of His Father in heaven; after years of humbly obeying and fitting-in-with the events of His ordinary life and duties in Nazareth; after years of prayerful longing for communion with His hidden Father; Jesus was in no doubt whatsoever when His Father, the Voice in the depths of His own Being, ultimately spoke to Him!

Jesus immediately left Nazareth and went to where John was baptizing in the Jordan in Judea!  Jesus went to meet, hear, respond to His Father now guiding Him to John the Baptist!!

And there, following His guiding voice, Jesus humbly joined the penitents asking for John’s baptism, and finally, coming up from the waters of the Jordan, He heard His Father’s voice from a cloud, and saw the Holy Spirit like a dove come down upon Him (Luke 3:21–22):

After all the people had been baptized and Jesus also had been baptized and was praying, heaven was opened and the holy Spirit descended upon Him in bodily form like a dove. And a voice came from heaven, “You are My beloved Son; with You I am well pleased.”

And there, dear People of God, we have the fulness of meaning for Jesus’ birth as the God-given Child of Mary, the Virgin of Nazareth: He comes to be our Saviour, our Redeemer from sin, and to be our Inspiration, showing us the best way to live the new life He has won for us as children of God, seeking to know, love, and serve their heavenly Father to the utmost:

You shall seek the LORD, your God; and you shall indeed find Him when you search after Him with your whole heart and your whole soul.   (Deuteronomy 4:29)

Were those the very words Jesus Himself first took to heart when He began searching and praying to answer that basic question of His Being in human flesh:

          Who is My Father?