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Thursday, 5 October 2023

27th Sunday Year A, 2023


(Isaiah 5:1-7; Philippians 4:6-9; Matthew 21:33-43)

In our first reading the prophet Isaiah described Israel as a vineyard planted by the Lord which, despite the care He had taken of it, failed to bring forth good fruit.  And for that, the prophet went on to warn Israel:

Now, I will let you know what I mean to do to my vineyard: take away its hedge, give it to grazing, break through its wall, let it be trampled!  Yes, I will make it a ruin: it shall not be pruned or hoed, but overgrown with thorns and briers; I will command the clouds not to rain upon it.  The vineyard of the LORD of hosts is the house of Israel, the people of Judah, his cherished plant; He waited for judgment, but see, bloodshed! for justice, but hark, the outcry (hark, a cry for help!) (hark, a cry of distress!)!  

In fulfilment of this prophecy the kingdom of Israel first of all, and subsequently the kingdom of Judah, were politically destroyed: no longer kingdoms or independent political powers of any sort, both became mere tracts of territory ruled by foreign lords, inhabited by vassals.

When therefore, Jesus -- taking up again that prophecy of Isaiah -- Himself told a parable of a landowner who planted, prepared and protected a vineyard, and was then unable to get the fruit of the vineyard, His hearers --- the religious authorities in Israel and Judah at that time --- realized that His words would be of great significance for them.

And so they were, for Jesus made some most important changes to the picture originally painted by Isaiah:

The vineyard itself was fruitful (you will remember Jesus’ earlier words):

The harvest truly is plentiful, but the labourers are few.  Therefore, pray the Lord of the harvest to send out labourers into His harvest.  (Mt. 9:37s.)

However, those in charge of the vineyard, the tenants, were the unfruitful ones who would not hand over any produce or profit to the landowner even though, eventually, the owner’s very son came to claim it in theme of his father.

The Jewish leaders were not, however, at that moment paying attention to details about the son: they were only intent on what they feared would be the final outcome for themselves: their power, their position of authority, might be taken away from them.

Isaiah had foretold the destruction of the political kingdoms of Israel and Judah and that prophecy had indeed been realized; kings and rulers had always resisted the messages of God’s prophets in order to maintain their own political power (haven’t kings and potentates done that since the beginning of time?).    But now, in Jesus’ time, something much more sinister was taking place: Israel’s religious leaders -- in particular the Pharisees and their Scribes --- were gainsaying Jesus in order to have control over God’s spiritual kingdom on earth for themselves, claiming a unique teaching authority for the understanding of the Mosaic Law and for the spiritual formation of God’s Chosen People.

Therefore, Jesus now speaks of the end of the cultic authority of Temple with its priests and Levites, and of the rejection of the spiritual authority of the Scribes and Pharisees as authentic exponents of the Torah; and ultimately, He foretells the end of Israel’s spiritual exaltation as the God’s Chosen People.

All these privileges -- and the provisional type of divine worship they represented -- would now have to make way for the future Church of Jesus Christ, the new and authentic People of God, comprising not only Israelites, but also all men and women of good-will who would hear Jesus’ Personal message with faith, and obey in sincerity of heart the Good News of God’s own Son authentically proclaimed to all mankind:

Jesus said to them, “Did you never read in the scriptures: ‘The stone that the builders rejected has become the cornerstone; by the Lord has this been done, and it is wonderful in our eyes’?   Therefore, I say to you, the kingdom of God will be taken away from you and given to a people that will produce its fruit.

You can understand why Jesus was both feared and hated by the proud religious authorities of what had once been the kingdom of David: kings and people had sinned -- ignoring God’s will and the words of many great prophets – and now that former kingdom was to comprise nothing more than two small and very insignificant Roman provinces of Judea and Samaria, along with mis-trusted Galilee in the north.

Yes, they hated what had befallen their once spiritually prestigious nation; and now, this  Jesus -- coming indeed from Nazareth in Galilee-of-the-Gentiles of all places! -- was proclaiming Himself as the Son – yes, the very Son of God -- come to harvest the fruit due from the vineyard of the Law and the Prophets!! He came promising no Messianic restoration of political power, rather He came proclaiming that Israel’s hitherto unique privilege would be offered to all the presently disdained Gentiles including the despicable and most hated Romans now ruling their country, all of them pagans who had previously known nothing of the one, true, God.

However -- some might now be thinking -- all this is past history; how is it relevant for us today?  We understand that God punishes sin – He always has -- and we recall that, as punishment for the sins of His Chosen People, He once destroyed their temple at Shilo which the early Israelites had thought inviolable; and that He likewise brought the Temple of Solomon down to the ground; before finally -- as Jesus foretold -- humbling the supremely impressive and most prestigious Temple of Herod.  But, again, what does all this mean for us?  Let us, therefore, look again at those who brought about the downfall of the Chosen People.

Those responsible for the twice-repeated exiling of Israel were priests and political figures: kings, with their courtiers and sycophants, their emulators and opponents.   They did great harm to God’s People and were punished accordingly. However, they impeded  the growth of God’s Kingdom in Israel for predominantly worldly reasons.

There were others, however, the Pharisees and their Scribes, who resisted, and tried to thwart the coming and flourishing of God’s Kingdom in Israel, by deliberately attempting to take control of God’s proclamation itself; and by thus poisoning the waters of salvation offered to Israel, they became close to becoming  the subject of  these subsequent words of Jesus:

Whoever blasphemes against the Holy Spirit will never have forgiveness, but is guilty of an everlasting sin,”   (Mark 3:29)

Rejected by God as leaders of His people, their  hope of salvation lay in the saving death and resurrection of Him whom they had refused to acknowledge as Messiah sent to teach, and failed to recognize as beloved Son sent to save.

People of God, today, liberal governments and all those ‘woken’ ones who proclaim their version of a new world, realm, or whatever, are now as one, shouting loud and in unison, ‘Liberty, Fraternity, Equality’ --- for the deafening of all spiritual and moral teaching of divine origin.  And for the punishment of such world-wide hatred for all that is truly spiritual, the Bible encourages us -- along with all worshippers of the one God -- to expect, God’s saving punishment for the maintenance of mankind’s eternal calling.

God’s People today are not always -- and certainly not necessarily -- satisfied by any assumed awareness of their leaders’ oneness with God’s desires and wishes for His  Church and people.  They aspire and try to follow their leaders’ teachings in the name of Jesus faithfully and whole-heartedly, and conversely, they can and do expect from those leaders some  appreciable measure of sure spiritual guidance, which appears to be hardly satisfied by, indeed to be strangely lacking in, Synodal questioning for answers from all and sundry, as if our moral problems were not matters of Mother Church’s teaching authority, but rather a sort of search for the latest Covid (=sin) variant.

My brother and sisters in Christ, we should be supremely careful of, solicitous for, the purity of our faith.   Today there are many who set themselves up as teachers, as guides, to worldly success and to temporal happiness, including the ‘trained’ government officials sent now to ‘comfort’ the bereaved, the lonely, the worried, the puzzled, the despairing …. with what?  Top echelon teachers and guides even claim to ‘know’ that God does not exist, and that nothing lies beyond death ... although such assertions are no longer backed up by that scientific knowledge which is modernity’s real pride and joy:  knowledge which they can so readily present, prove, and even demonstrate by practical experiment and sensible observation.

However, Christian spirituality -- the only authentic food for the divine fulfilment of the human soul --  is way above, and totally beyond, even the very best of such intellectual endeavours.

Today, many Catholics and Christians allow – or suffer -- themselves to be persuaded, overwhelmed, by such ‘worldly wisdom’ and its messengers.  Even more sadly, however, too many Catholics today are willing to ignore or even distort Jesus’ Good News of life eternal -- which should be treasured by faith in their own mind and heart -- for a few years of social advantage and worldly comfort, in a world that offers no future hope, no promise of peaceful inheritance.

There is, dear friends in Christ, only one true way of progress and profit for salvation, and that is given us by St. Paul, in our second reading:

Brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honourable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is gracious, if there is any excellence and if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things. Keep on doing what you have learned and received and heard in (Mother Church). Have no anxiety at all, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, make your requests known to God.  Then the peace of God that surpasses all understanding will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus. 

Let us rejoice in, give whole-hearted thanks for, such beauty and such truth.