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Saturday, 20 April 2024

4th Sunday of Easter Year B, 2024



On the television all those invited to participate in the various programmes  are presented as doing good: from those giving sex-adapting pills to children, and recommending assisted-dying for the sick or elderly; to those asserting that responsible parents should not be allowed to chastise their children physically at all …  no harassed mother allowed to slap her disobedient children, for that causes endless mental health problems (!) for children later on.   ‘Good’ committee members wanting and empowered to reward the  ‘good behaviour’ of prisoners under strict supervision by a reduction of their prison sentence have, and do still, show their ‘goodness by occasionally allowing even vicious criminals to be let loose on the general public  with the result that hundreds and possibly thousands of people (mainly women?) have already been murdered or seriously harmed when such apparently ‘good behaviour’ gives way to new temptation, desire, or fear.  And, the ‘goodness’ of such generous committees is not to be questioned.

Our modern Western or Western-influenced society has reneged on religion, especially the Christian religion which originally gave a rock-foundation for believing  society.  Official modern society no longer believes in Jesus because it thinks it has no need of Him: it does not want what Jesus seems (to them) to offer – obedience now and heaven much later on --  but it most certainly does want what modern society seems to offer: pleasures-a-plenty here and now, do whatever you want so long as it doesn’t harm other people, lots of technological possibilities for both good and evil, and certainly lots of excitement and sex.  Moreover, addicts of whatever kind tend to be thought of, exclusively,  as ‘sick’ people, thus supporting the demise of human will-power, human ability to avoid, even to reject the solicitations of sin.  And all that is seen as forms of modern ‘goodness’.

Jesus, however, said of Himself, and still says in and through His Church: ‘I am the good shepherd’; while the world nowadays says on the other hand, ‘we are doing good for everybody; a good, everybody appreciates, here and now’.  

Who are you to believe, O serious thinker?   What is your faith – and your experience – O People of God:


It behoves us, however, as Christian believers. to try to understand as clearly as we can something of what Jesus meant by the word, ‘good’.

Jesus was sent by His Father -- and by His own filial desire  -- to become the Saviour of human-kind; that is, the Saviour of humanity bound by chains of sin and death.  That is what Jesus’ words ‘good shepherd’ involve: His freeing humankind from those chains which rob them of God’s original blessing of life and love as the crown of His creation and as His own true, adopted children.  And that Jesus did because He, as perfect God and perfect man, could love His Father – adequately -- as God, thus returning  His Father’s original-and-still-enduring love of men; and, as Man -- by His obedience through suffering-and-death -- make up for humans’ disobedience: disrespect for the majesty of God and disregard for the beauty of their own being -- a divinely endowed creation -- by the destructive-and-disruptive, wilful disobedience of sin, emanating from Satan’s own hatred of both God and man.

Jesus, the good shepherd was also characterised by His compassion, e.g. on the Five Thousand he fed after they had totally forgotten themselves listening to Jesus speaking to them about the Kingdom of God.  That compassion of Jesus also ‘pushed’ Him to revive the widow of Nain’s only son … possibly thinking about His own mother who would lose Him soon.  He also was moved with compassion to heal the man lying for 38 years waiting at the Pool of Siloam for a chance to be the first to enter the ‘moved’ healing waters.

His ’goodness’ also ‘pushed’ Jesus again  to love and admire the widow who, out of her poverty, put all that she had to live on into the Temple treasury  for love of God.   Notice there, dear People of God, that Jesus’ goodness as shepherd of His people was ordained above all to enabling, helping, leading this widow, and  His people, to love His Father, their God … and such heavenly love of God was not to be poisoned by sugar-coated human sympathy unable to appreciate the wondrous beauty of the widow’s gift … not of two small coins, but of total disregard of self before the beauty of God;  a gift given out of total love for God… not ‘excogitated’ by her own mind. but, as it were, wrung out of her whole being, by spontaneous and compelling, divinely-gifted, love.

One of Mother Church’s short prayers, is that we might worship God by imitating His  goodness; but in our modern world, ‘goodness’ is ‘done’ not out of a desire to imitate our heavenly Father, but out of a proud and worldly desire to show our own, human goodness.

Dear People of God, for us Catholics and Christians, ‘goodness’ is an expression of, fruit of, godliness, not of sentimentality.   God’s commands are not impossible for He ‘knows us and knows of what we are made.   But He also knows the beauty of the salvation Jesus has won for us, and the power of the Holy Spirit bestowed on us to lead and guide  us to that ultimate fulfilment.   You who are faithful disciples of Jesus know the goodness of God from your own life’s experience … these my words are nothing more than a reminder or gentle spur for your greater love of Him Who is our All.