1st. Sunday of Advent (C)
33:14-16; 1Thessalonians 3:12 - 4:2; Luke 21:25-28, 34-36)
Our readings today are all concerned with the coming of Our
Lord Jesus Christ in time and at the end of time, to do away with sin and
subject all things to Himself for the glory of His Father.
Now, it is not possible to speak of the events of those
latter days using ordinary language, for they will be events the like of which
have never before seen and are totally unheard of, and that is why, in the Sacred
Scriptures, even when Jesus Himself is speaking, the language used is of a
special character, it is called apocalyptic language: a language full of
strange and extreme events, cosmic at times in their dimension and impact,
always awesome, and usually terrifying for mere human beings. Because those times will be divine times, so
to speak, when the divinity of Jesus and the supernatural majesty and power of
the all Holy God are revealed, they will – inevitably -- be times of darkness,
as when foolish eyes look directly on the sun; and also times of great distress
such as only the dethroning of nature’s primeval powers could inspire:
There will be signs in the sun,
the moon, and the stars; on the earth nations will be in dismay perplexed by
the roaring of the sea and the waves. People will die of fright in anticipation of
what is coming upon the world, for the powers of the heavens will be shaken. And
then they will see the Son of Man coming in a cloud with power and great glory.
In the first reading, we heard:
In those days Judah shall be safe,
and Jerusalem shall dwell secure; this is what they shall call her: ‘The Lord our
Jerusalem will be safe because its inhabitants will be
clothed with justice, the supernatural God-given gift of righteousness, says Jeremiah;
and that is what St. Paul had in mind in our second reading:
Finally, brothers and sisters, we
earnestly ask and exhort you in the Lord Jesus that, as you received from us
how you should conduct yourselves to please God – and as you are conducting
yourselves – you do so even more. For you know what instructions we gave you
through the Lord Jesus.
Human kind, being subject to sin, will not be able to
survive the manifestation of divine holiness unless they become clothed with
the righteousness of the Lord, and learn to live in such a way as to please
God ... not by mere chance, as if He were to just come cross them in their
garden of delights and be pleased with their life style; but by direct and
humble design to deliberately please Him by sincere endeavours and loving
aspirations in accordance with His will for their salvation. Good eyes or weak eyes, it makes no
difference, all are blinded by the direct glare of the noon-day sun; likewise, brash
self-confidence, instinctive courage, or natural ability, will offer no comfort
when primeval, instinctive, terror strikes the human heart at the sight of tumultuous
seas, mountainous waves, or rivers of flaming volcanic lava in full spate
presaging the advent of the Almighty and All-Holy God to save or to judge.
Only those found to be suitably prepared -- by sincere
conversion of heart, suitable training in the spiritual combat, and divine encouragement
and endowment -- will be able to survive what Jesus had in mind when He told us:
Be vigilant at all times and pray
that you have the strength to escape the tribulations that are imminent, and to
stand before the Son of Man.
Indeed, only by grace and vigilance, only by prayer and
personal love of God, will anyone be enabled:
to stand before the
Son of Man.
Since this will be the situation when God comes to bring
time to a close and destroy sin from the face of the earth; and more
especially, when you think that we only have one life -- that is one chance,
and whoever gets it wrong cannot come back and try again -- it is surely
amazing that many are willing to put their trust in merely human, self-appointed
and self-opinionated, teachers, gurus, prophets, and guides! Divine holiness, majesty and power will be
manifested; all-seeing knowledge and inscrutable wisdom will be deployed; and
yet, you will find some devilishly proud and presumptuous people calling on
others amazingly foolish enough to listen to them peddling their own ‘special
powers’ and saying, “Follow me, walk along my path, do what I am doing”, or playing
upon their hearers’ indolence, indifference, and vices, with such words as: “See
how I am enjoying myself! It won’t be
hard at the end at all … you just go to sleep, there’s nothing after that!” Thus, considerations that have exercised human
minds and involved human hearts and consciences from the beginning, issues
which have long provoked a morally universal appreciation and response from the
beginnings of humankind, are at times challenged and called into question by
some individuals or certain groups whose life is but a passing shadow and whose
wisdom and experience are mere pathetic testimonies to human conceit and pride,
being ludicrously incomprehensive and, potentially indeed, tragically inept. They come out with teachings which -- though
seemingly humane -- are deceitful, destructive, and ultimately, devilish: such
as, homosexuality can be an equal option for life alongside marriage between
man and woman; or again, there is no right and wrong; there is no truth, it is
only a matter of social or political correctness and human upbringing; the
sense of sin is but the result of genetic disturbance; and human life has no
other dignity than what we accord it.
Dear People of God, the potential of human life is shrouded
in mystery: what is its meaning, has it an overall and over-riding
purpose? Mysterious too are the
essential elements of life as we experience them: what is love; how can one find happiness and
peace of heart; why is life so tasteless without hope; what is justice, where
is truth? Again, why do we feel, inside,
that some things are wrong; and why – having done such things, even though in
secret -- do we feel disturbed, ill at ease, indeed, under threat? A right awareness of and response to such mysterious
questions as these are of vital importance, because both natural reason and every-day
experience teach us that no amount of money can buy happiness, that worldly
success or renown cannot guarantee peace of heart, nor can pleasure bring hope.
Here then, as we begin the season of Advent, we are urged
by Mother Church to do some serious thinking.
We are urged to look into our hearts, to sound those hidden depths that
we so rarely penetrate in our everyday life and activity; for only there will we
find some appreciation and understanding of the mystery of our make-up as
individuals and as persons who have been made divinely special. For all of us do accept that we are special:
none of us can tolerate injustice done against us, and we all hate lies and
love truth as they affect our lives. Who
is there that does not know that life inspires hope, while death, on the other
hand, provokes despair; inexplicably, we
feel ourselves made for life, even though all things else are made to die.
People of God, we Catholics are Christians -- the original and
authentic Christians -- called to bring the Gospel, the Good News of Jesus, to
the whole world, throughout all time. And
the message we are commissioned to proclaim is that Jesus is the Christ, the
only answer to the mystery of human existence and human destiny: He alone can
bring peace and hope into our hearts and minds, together with the strength to live
and love aright both in society and as individuals. Above all, we are to proclaim Jesus Christ as
the only One Who can raise us up to secure a heavenly destiny; one that will be
truly ours -- in and with Jesus, by the Spirit -- a destiny before God the
Father which will be the glorious and eternal fulfilment of all our
possibilities, powers, and longings. Our
teaching is certain and clear:
Jesus answered, "I am the
way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.
I and My Father are one. (John 14:6;
How those who say, “Follow me; do what I am doing; listen
to me, I know”, how such people despise their brethren! Despise?
Because they dare to imagine that the miserable prospects they offer can
possibly fulfil a human being: pleasure, usually basic or even animal; success,
even at best, only for a pitifully short time; popularity, which, however
shallow, can only be sustained by craven conformity.
Jesus, on the other hand, alone fully loves and appreciates
us: He raises us to life that is eternal and love that is divine; He offers us
a fulfilment that penetrates to the most mysterious depths of our human and
personal make-up and character. That is
why we offer our whole selves to Jesus: for example, when we marry, we offer
our marriage to Jesus, that through Him our married life might serve our
eternal destiny and God’s plan for the world:
All things have been handed over
to me by my Father. No one knows who the
Son is except the Father, and no one knows who the Father is except the Son and
anyone to whom the Son wills to reveal him. (Luke 10:22)
Because the Father Who calls us to Jesus has committed all
things to Him, so we too, in answer to the Father’s call, draw to Jesus committing
our all to Him: there is nothing secret in our lives where He cannot enter,
where He does not rule. All is for Jesus,
so that in Him all might be for the Father, and so that we may attain our
eternal fulfilment in the glory and joy of His kingdom of truth and love. To
that end we live in accordance with the teachings of Jesus brought to our
remembrance by His Spirit in Mother Church, whose proclamation comes down to us
through the ages in all the original fullness of its integrity and purity, and by
whose sacraments, the Spirit of Jesus is sprinkled in blessing on all we do and
Thus will we be enabled to embrace that which is sure to
(You) will see the Son of Man
coming in a cloud with power and great glory. Now when these things begin to
happen, look up and lift up your heads, because your redemption draws near.
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