2nd Sunday of Advent (A)
(Isaiah 11:1-10; Romans 15:4-9; Matthew 3:1-12)
Then the wolf shall be a guest of the lamb, and the
leopard shall lie down with the kid; the calf and the young lion shall browse
together, with a little child to guide them.
The cow and the bear shall be neighbours, together their young shall
rest; the lion shall eat hay like the ox.
The baby shall play by the cobra’s den, and the child lay his hand on
the adder’s lair. There shall be no harm
or ruin on all my holy mountain.
Those are moving words because
they promise what is idyllic. But what
is that promise based on? Listen again:
A shoot shall sprout from the stump of Jesse, and from
his roots a bud shall blossom. The
spirit of the LORD shall rest upon him: a spirit of wisdom and of
understanding, a spirit of counsel and of strength, a spirit of knowledge and
of fear of the LORD, and his delight shall be the fear of the LORD. Not by
appearance shall he judge, nor by hearsay shall he decide, but he shall judge
the poor with justice, and decide aright for the land’s afflicted.
And so, that wonderful, idyllic, prospect is opened up for
mankind because a Saviour is to come among us, upon Whom the Spirit of God will
rest and Whose delight will be in the fear of the Lord: Jesus of Nazareth, to be born of the Virgin
by the Holy Spirit, Son of God and Son of Man.
And yet, when He did come, He was not accepted nor even acknowledged
by His People; indeed, His rejection was so violent and so degrading that His presence
among men was not able to work any saving change for the great majority of
those who saw but did not recognize Him, who heard but would not listen to Him,
even though some had waited long and been ardently expecting Him. Vindication against Rome and before the nations
had become their supreme motivation and -- as we can see with fanatics the
world over -- having someone, something, to hate is a great spur for commitment
or even sacrifice. Jesus’ mission, on the other hand, was for their
personal righteousness before, and corporate witness to, the God of their
fathers Who had sent Him. Jesus could
only work a change for people if they
would allow Him, first of all, to make a change in them individually. That
is why we heard the prophet say in the name of the Lord:
The earth shall be full of
the knowledge of the Lord, for the
Gentiles shall seek out the Root of Jesse.
God’s Kingdom of glorious peace would only come when the earth -- that
is, all the peoples on earth beginning with Israel, God’s Chosen People -- were
full of the knowledge of the Lord: not knowledge about the Lord, but knowledge of
the Lord bestowed on them by the Root of Jesse: knowledge suffused through and
through by love, such as could only be given to those who would humbly and
perseveringly seek to find, or rather allow themselves to be found by, the Person
of Him sent in the fullness of time by the Lord, the ever faithful-and-true God
of Israel.
Bearing these things in mind we should not be too surprised when, on
turning to the Gospel passage from St. Matthew, we heard John the Baptist say
to certain Pharisees and Sadducees coming to him while he was administering his
baptism in the Jordan:
You brood of vipers! Who warned you to flee from the coming
What could have brought the
Pharisees and Sadducees together? Little
that promised good for John, certainly.
The Pharisees -- the ‘separate ones’ as their name proclaims -- lived
their lives according to rules and regulations fitted for the priests in the
Temple of Jerusalem, rules and regulations handed down by their own oral
traditions; and they prided themselves on the rigour and detailed fidelity of
their application of those rules.
The Sadducees, on the other hand, really were current priests of the
Temple, and, as a whole, they were social aristocrats who did not accept the
oral traditions of the Pharisees. What
therefore enabled such naturally opposed and mutually disdainful factions to
unite on this occasion? Surely, only
the fact that both regarded John the Baptist with like antipathy!
For his part, John knew how to mix-it with such
enemies; for by calling them a ‘brood of vipers’ he declared them to be --
according to a byways (not highways!) Jewish tradition -- descended from Cain
and born of the union of Eve and the Serpent!!
We Christians have, however, in the Acts of the Apostles (28:3, 5), have
a much more historically accurate picture of the significance of the
appellation ‘brood of vipers fleeing from the coming wrath’ when we recall the
experience of St. Paul shipwrecked on the island of Malta:
Paul had gathered a bundle of
brushwood and was putting it on the fire, when a viper -- driven out by the
heat -- fastened itself on his hand. He,
however, shook off the creature into the fire and suffered no harm.
Brood of
vipers indeed, because both were fixed in their ways and
both were proud: one of their reputation for holiness in the eyes of the common
people, and the other for their deeply cherished positions of power and
privilege; and yet both were as one in their delight at the reverence shown
them by the ordinary people: people they were meant to serve but whom they held
in very low esteem as a whole. And in this respect the Pharisees and Sadducees
showed themselves to be vipers indeed by their pseudo-holiness and
pseudo-dignity: for the Pharisees were more faithful custodians of their human
traditions than faithful interpreters of God’s law, more solicitous for their
standing in the eyes of the people than sincere guides for those people along
the paths of humble devotion before God;
while the pomp and circumstance of the Sadducees, far from showing forth the
dignity of Israel’s ancient calling as the Chosen People, was totally dependent
on and subservient to the current-day Roman power and politics. Such pretence by their civil and religious
leaders de-railed the response of ordinary Israelites to the message of John the
Baptist even though he was preparing the way of the Lord by advice easy enough
for them to understand and put into practice:
“He who has two tunics, let him give to him who has none; and he who has
food, let him do likewise.” To the tax
collectors he said, “Collect no more than what is appointed for you.” Likewise to the soldiers he said, “Do not
intimidate anyone or accuse falsely, and be content with your wages.”
Such teachings were easily
accessible to anyone wanting and willing to ‘repent’ as St. Matthew tells us
John’s initial proclamation required:
John the Baptist appeared
preaching in the desert of Judea, and saying, ‘Repent, for the kingdom of
heaven is at hand!’
Repentance was a very hard subject to preach even for one as great as
John the Baptist! So unexciting for the
senses and so humble in its performance, repentance was easily dislodged from
the awareness and appreciation of simple people by the easy-to-see, carefully honed
and sought-out, pseudo personal holiness of the Pharisees, and could be quite
overwhelmed by the ceremonial pomposity and Temple-based dignity and power of
the craven Sadducees, who despite all appearances, were totally subservient to
the occupying Roman power.
Dear People of God, the poisons affecting, debasing, and preventing true
religion among the people in Jesus’ time are still with us and still seducing
many today: pseudo-holiness and political correctness!!
The great and
ultimate fulfilment of salvation through the final coming of God’s Kingdom as
foretold by the prophet, the forerunner, and by the Lord Jesus Himself, is not
something that can be brought about by human endeavour it can only be humbly
aspired to and prepared for, before being gratefully received when freely given
by God Himself to those filled with knowledge of the great mercy and goodness
of the Giver, and of the saving love of their Redeemer.
St. Paul tells us
Christ became a minister of the circumcised to show God’s truthfulness,
to confirm the promises to the patriarchs, but so that the Gentiles (also) might glorify God for His mercy.
And so, we Gentiles can
and should learn from the experience and failings of ‘the circumcised’, as Paul
explicitly tells us:
Whatever (is)
written (is) for our instruction, that by endurance and by the encouragement of the
Scriptures we might have hope.
Above all we must
keep our eyes fixed on Jesus in the Scriptures, our ears attentive to His words
resounding in Mother Church, and our hearts open to and longing for His most
Holy Spirit’s guidance and inspiration as children of God.
We must, therefore,
not allow the integrity of our response to Jesus’ call to repentance this
Advent to be waylayed and possibly de-railed by modern pseudo-holiness and
political correctness; and for that purpose we must pay careful attention to
and learn from what happened among the Chosen People of Israel those many
centuries ago.
The Pharisees were
truly devout but they could never forget themselves or deny their pride in, and
desire for, a public reputation proclaiming them to be ‘the best at their job’;
that is, they wanted to be commonly known and generally appreciated as
personally holy individuals and members of an influential and closely knit
group whose traditions were the surest guides for the people in the ways of
Alas, however, they
were substituting holiness in the eyes of the people for holiness before God.
The Sadducees were
not even aiming for holiness of a religious nature so much as security and approval
for their politically correct attitudes and actions. They sought to ‘accepted and acclaimed’ --
by those who really mattered to them -- for their sagacity, influence, adaptability,
perhaps even, at times, for their priestly dignity and social charms …. Attitudes and abilities, some of which at
times, and under certain circumstances, could possibly have proved both helpful
and laudable; but which, in those called to be first and foremost priests and
shepherds for God’s People, bring Jesus’ words to my mind:
You justify yourselves in the sight of others, but God knows your
hearts; for what is of human esteem is an abomination in the sight of God. (Luke
Dear brothers and
sisters in Christ, in this season of Advent we are walking anew to what is
before us, setting out with fresh steps towards what is most beautiful and promises
great joy. As did Joseph, let us walk
with Mary, the Jewel of Israel, and for us, the Queen of heaven and Our dear
Lady, our supreme mother and unique sister. But, with Joseph, let us take great
care, this time of ourselves who are carrying in our soul’s sanctuary of mind and
heart the still-to-be-born Son of God.
Let us not turn our eyes to seek some
easier path, but let us always keep them fixed most lovingly on Jesus proclaimed
by Mother Church, let our eyes look most confidently for the lead of God’s
Spirit of Truth and Love, as we endeavour, as true children of God the Father, to
serve, and indeed to love, all our brother and sisters on the way. But in all
things and above all things, let us ever desire and aspire to be with Jesus, so
as to be formed in Him and in His
likeness by the Spirit, for the glory of our God and Father.
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