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Thursday, 15 July 2021

16th Sunday Year B 2021


Sixteenth Sunday of Year (B)

(Jeremiah 23:1-6; Saint Paul to the Ephesians 2:13-18; St. Mark’s Gospel 6:30-34)


Under the guidance of the Holy Spirit the O.T. Scriptures, as we know them, were built up very gradually over more than a thousand years, with later ages adding new layers, strata, to traditions received from earlier times; and in some of the most ancient of these traditions thus providentially preserved and developed is the theme of shepherd:

Then (the prophet Micaiah) said, “I saw all Israel scattered on the mountains, as sheep that have no shepherd. And the Lord said, ‘These have no master. Let each return to his house in peace.’”  (1 Kings 22:17)

The Israelites were originally nomads, people wandering with their flocks and herds from one grazing land to the next, always in search of pasture for their animals.  This original, wandering existence -- bound by no ties other than the well-being of their flocks and herds and the constant search for the best available grazing -- this, in a word, nomadic life was very much admired in later ages by some of the great prophets of Israel who found themselves surrounded on every hand by decadence: by the luxury, violence, injustice, superstition and depravity of city life, and the abuse of settled agriculture in the pursuit of profit and pleasure.  They looked back with nostalgia for the old days because it seemed to them that as nomads they had lived with the dignity and simplicity of men who were free: being disciplined and protected by the tranquil rigours of desert life.  Yes, they regarded the original nomadic life as ideal for God’s Chosen People seeking, ultimately, only God’s will; while rejoicing in His great beauty and goodness in the world around and above all in their own national history and personal lives.

With such sentiments those prophets regarded the Exodus as the high peak of Israel’s spiritual experience, when – with God as her shield and guide – she came out of Egypt’s slavery and wandered over desert wastes learning to know her God on the way to the land He had promised them.  Moses appeared to them as the true shepherd and David -- their great king -- as his heir. 

            I will appoint shepherds for them who will shepherd them so that they need no             longer fear and tremble; and none shall be missing, says the LORD

This is the name they give him: “The LORD our justice.”  (Jeremiah 23:4-6)

After David, however, his royal successors failed to respond satisfactorily to their calling and so we heard Jeremiah declaring to them in today’s first reading:

Woe for the shepherds who mislead and scatter the flock of My pasture, says the Lord;

and looking to the more distant future the prophets foretold two things: God Himself would be the Shepherd of His People; as would also a future king, the Messiah of God. 

Behold, the days are coming, says the LORD, when I will raise up a righteous shoot to David.  As King He shall reign and govern wisely, He shall do what is just and right in the land.   In His days Judah shall be saved, Israel shall dwell in security.

These two traditions were fulfilled in the Person of Our Lord Jesus Christ … and the great work of Christ our Shepherd was to bring peace to His flock: peace with God and with men of good will, as Saint Paul told us in our second reading:

He came and preached peace to you (Gentiles) who were far off and peace to those (Jews) who were near, for through Him we both have access in one Spirit to the Father.

Sublime Peace; a peace not for idleness, but for progress: progress through faith in Jesus, by the power of His most Holy Spirit, leading ultimately to the Father’s presence.

Therefore, having heard in the Gospel reading that:

When Jesus disembarked and saw the vast crowd, His heart was moved with pity for them, for they were like sheep without a shepherd;

we can guess that He pitied them above all for the lack of peace in their hearts and of ultimate purpose in their lives and aspirations.

His Apostles had just returned from the missionary work on which He had sent them and they were so very excited about the results of their work: the conversions brought by their preaching, the cures they had wrought and the demons they had cast out.  Oh, how excited they were; and how glad, how anxious to tell Jesus all about it! 

Nevertheless, Jesus’ first care was to calm their over-excited minds and jubilant hearts:

He said to them, “Come away by yourselves to a deserted place and rest a while” (for) people were coming and going in great numbers, and they had no opportunity even to eat.

Dear People of God, notice Jesus’ guidance:  leave the crowd and learn to rest in (His) Jesus’ presence. 

And yet, on reading today’s Gospel passage I was a little puzzled by Jesus’ words, because I would have expected Him to say, ‘Come away with Me to a deserted place (away from the crowd) by yourselves’, but He does not say ‘Come away with Me’, but ‘Come away by yourselves from the crowd’.   Can it be that there Jesus does not explicitly promise to be physically with, or waiting for, His disciples; but rather, that by His use of the words ‘Come away by yourselves’, which, only imply His presence, He also wants to positively encourage them to actively seek Him there in that lonely place?

That guidance of Jesus, is, dear People of God of the utmost importance for ourselves whenever we can find such a place of solace for ourselves in the stresses of life.   He wants to be found indeed, but, nevertheless, He does not want to be thought of as being ‘automatically’ available?

Then, on seeing the crowds who had followed after Him, how He pitied them, how deep was their unrest!!

We notice a similar thing so very frequently these our days.  How easy it is, in a crowd, to forget oneself; how easy to be swept along from one absorbing interest to another, to be drawn into and embroiled in a kaleidoscope of ever-changing events and excitement!  But what about when people need -- as eventually they must -- to go their own ways when each is then left alone with his or her own thoughts?  How few can bear that silence: for some, a threatening loneliness, for others, oppressive boredom!  And what does that show?  Simply that, of themselves, they have little that is positively theirs: life for them is a wearisome business without the constant novelties of crowd-life, crowd-noise, crowd-provocation and excitement.  Look around you!  How often young people are to be seen with ear-phones pumping into their heads rock and pop music or whatever is the latest hit-style.  There is, of course, nothing directly wrong about that, but I’m sure Our Lord pities many such young people too, who cannot bear to be alone with themselves, to be aware of nothing but their own thoughts and fears, longings and regrets.  Why?  Because they don’t know where their life is going, they don’t have any ultimate guiding purpose.  Out of touch, out of tune, with any such aspirations, surrounding silence only seems to provoke deep and largely inarticulate longings, vague and unrecognizable feelings, which well up within themselves when noise and distractions from around cease.

Jesus came to bring peace to our souls by offering us TRUE LIFE: life such as the world cannot give; life with a calling and a purpose that endures throughout the variations, trials, and storms of eventful life and goes with us into and beyond the grave; life centred on a rock which no storms can unsettle let alone overthrow; life with a joy which cannot be taken away from us by worldly chance, because it wells up from within our own hearts and minds; life, drawing us with Jesus our neighbour our companion and friend, our Lord and Saviour, to God His Father and our fulfilment.  That, is the treasure offered us by faith in Jesus and the Gift of His Spirit in the Church.

People of God, don’t let yourselves get too wrapped up in the things of this world.  Take serious measures to be alone in the vicinity of Jesus at times: and then shut yourselves off from the noise around and open yourself up to be with Him in faith that He may deepen His Peace, His Life, within you.

Those words are emphasized because Christian prayer, and above all Christian contemplation are not to be entered upon in accordance with Yoga-like practices.    We Catholics and true Christians do not try use any technique on, we do not try to exercise any power (even persuasive) over, Him.   We turn to Him in our need, and in His Power is our contentment and peace; we hope in His great Goodness, and in His merciful Wisdom and Providence we confidently rest.

Thus, may we learn to say with all our heart on our daily way through life the words of today’s Psalm:

The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want.  He leads me in the paths of righteousness for His name’s sake.  Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil;

and may we ultimately find our lives fulfilled beyond all possible measure and desire in our faithful experience of those sublime words:

 Surely, goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.

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