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Thursday, 31 October 2024

31st Sunday Year B, 2024


(Deuteronomy 6:2-6; Hebrews 7:21-28; St. Mark 12:28-34) 

This is the commandment that the Lord your God commanded me to teach you:  that you fear the Lord your God, you and your son and your son’s son.

Having elaborated on that stark commandment, Moses then went on to say:

Hear O Israel: the Lord our God, the Lord is one.  You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul, and with all your might.  And these words I command you today shall be on your heart.

And there, dear People of God, we have an essential aspect of our religion: it is truth founded on the unshakeable rock of reality.  The Almighty, the Unutterable, the Awesome and Majestic, the sustaining Creator of all that is, is -- by His very nature – Fearsome for, and to be feared by, His creation.   However, He is also – for His chosen creation, His Chosen People – One who is to be loved:  with all your heart and with all your soul, and with all your might.

Dear friends in Jesus, never forget that Catholic saving, truth, is based on reality; that is why God sent His only-begotten Son, His Word of Truth, to come among us, to become one of us through Mary of Nazareth and the Holy Spirit of life and love.  Beautiful imaginations are not saving, truth … they can, for a time and in favourable circumstances, be emotionally inspiring; but never, never, can they pretend to be  life-stakingly’ reliable words,  words bringing peace, for salvation.

Let us consider more closely, more intently, more lovingly, our blessed Lord and Saviour.

I have just said that He was sent among us by His Father; that is how Jesus Himself always preferred to express ‘why, how’ He came among us to be our Saviour.  He came, as One sent by His Father; that is, at His Father’s command.  That does not mean that He Himself had been unwilling to come among us; on the contrary He had wanted to come as our Saviour, but out of love above all for His Father, Who had originally, and most lovingly, created each of us -- as free persons -- in His own image and likeness.  Jesus had wanted His Incarnation to be a work of truth founded on the unshakeable rock of reality, that is, a work founded on the irrefragable truth of His love for His Father and the rock-solid creative love of His Father for His human creation.   The devil’s deceit, had brought about -- through Eve’s disobedience, and Adam’s weakness -- a hurt for the Lord and God of all creation; because, by creating man-and-woman in His own image and likeness,  He had humbly left Himself liable to hurt in this one aspect.  And His beloved, only-begotten Son, willed – with the unutterable majesty and intensity of His divine love for His Father – to right that wrong, restore that hurt, by coming among men as One of them, One Sent -- under obedience -- to form a new, obedient, People of God through faith in Himself; a people willing to be guided and sustained by His most Holy Spirit, the divine expression of the love eternally bonding  the Father and His Son.

Our second reading tells us that Jesus is a priest forever:

Consequently He is able to save to the uttermost those who draw near to God through Him, since He always lives to make intercession for them.

He always lives to make intercession for us in heaven, where He entered as perfect God (triumphant after His resurrection and ascension) and perfect Man (thanks to the human flesh and blood He received from the immaculate Mary of Nazareth).  He thereby opened the gates of heaven for those ‘sheep of His flock’ willing to walk, in the power of His most Holy Spirit, along the way He Himself -- as Jesus of Nazareth -- had already traced out for them.  The way of Gospel truth was written by His chosen Apostles under the inspiring guidance of Jesus’ most Holy Spirit, Who recalled to those Apostolic authors all that Jesus had said and done, all that He intended to be  proclaimed – in His name, by the Church of His choosing and formation -- to the whole of mankind, for their salvation as potential children (in Him, the only-begotten Son) of God the Father.

Let us finally hear Jesus’ words from today’s Gospel reading, which confirm, and give their final consecration to, those words of Moses we heard earlier:

The most important commandment is, ‘Hear O Israel: The Lord  our God, the Lord is one.  And you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.’  The second is this: ‘You shall love your neighbour as yourself.’  There is no other commandment greater than these.’  

Jesus, the Son of God, had been sent, had come among us as our Neighbour, bringing salvation for all who would believe in Him and allow themselves to be re-formed by His Spirit in the likeness of Himself, as children, adopted of God. Thus, was attained the Son’s ultimate intention of finally restoring the hurt that He, as most-beloved and only-begotten Son, could not bear to see affecting His Almighty, Majestic, and – for all who would come to know Him by sharing in the divine ecstasy of love which is eternal life – most Humble, Father of us all. 

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