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Thursday, 28 November 2024

1st Sunday of Advent Year C, 2024

(Jeremiah 33:14-16; 1Thessalonians 3:12 - 4:2; Luke 21:25-28, 34-36) 

Our readings today began with the God of our father Abraham, and the God of Israel pin-pointing – through His prophet Jeremiah -- the breaking point between our initial, Christian and Catholic, Abrahamic Faith, and the Jewish faith of Israel past and present:

Behold, the days are coming, declares the Lord, when I will fulfil the promise I made to the house of Israel and the house of Judah … I will cause a righteous Branch to spring up for David, and he shall execute  justice and righteousness in the land.  

That righteous Branch -- Jesus of Nazareth -- was indeed ‘sent’ to Israel,  but He was to be  rejected by the two ‘native’ powers in Israel: the  self-serving, power-conniving, Temple rulers, and the proud, self-appointed, ‘spiritual spokesmen’ of Israel’s, sinfully-inclined, people.

Now, it is not possible to speak of the events of those latter days using ordinary language, for they will be events unseen before and beyond all human anticipation and imagination; that is why, in the Old and New Testaments -- even when Jesus Himself is speaking  -- the language used is of a special character, called ‘apocalyptic’ language, full of strange and extreme events: cosmic at times in their immensity and impact, always awesome, and often terrifying for mere human beings.  Therefore, because those times will also be times of divine judgement -- when the divinity of Jesus and the supernatural majesty, holiness, and power of the all-Holy God are revealed -- they will be times of deep darkness, and, for the ungodly,  dreadful times of great personal distress, of which only nature’s primeval powers can give us any realistic impression:

There will be signs in the sun, the moon, and the stars; on the earth nations will be in dismay.   People will die of fright in anticipation of what is coming upon the world, for the powers of the heavens will be shaken. And then they will see the Son of Man coming in a cloud with power and great glory.

In the first reading therefore, speaking of those who would hear and obey Jesus’ words, we heard:

In those days Judah will be saved, and Jerusalem will dwell securely.  And  this is the name by which it (the righteous Branch) will be called: ‘The Lord is our righteousness'  executing His  justice and righteousness in the land;

Jerusalem will dwell securely because there will be some of her children thus clothed with justice -- the supernatural God-given gift of righteousness -- says the prophet Jeremiah; and that is what St. Paul had in mind in our second reading:

Finally, then, brothers and sisters, we ask and urge you in the Lord Jesus as you received from us how you ought to walk and to please God – just as you are doing – that you do so more and more. For you know what instructions we gave you through the Lord Jesus.

Mere human beings, who refused to live in a way pleasing to God, and who consequently, would not be clothed with the righteousness of the Lord, would be unable to survive the manifestation of divine holiness on the day of His coming.  We are forewarned about this, dear People of God, every returning summer for, whether we have good eyes or weak eyes makes no difference, all of us can be blinded by the direct glare of the noon-day sun.  Likewise, immediately before the coming of the Lord, personal confidence, courage, riches or ability, much less overflowing rage and anger, or self-pity, will be of no comfort whatsoever, when primeval, instinctive, terror strikes the human heart at the sight of the tumultuous seas, mountainous waves, or the rivers of flaming volcanic lava in full spate.

Only those prepared by sincere conversion and divine endowment, fortified by actual prayer and sought-for personal love of God, will find themselves able to survive those days, as Jesus warned us:

Stay awake at all times, praying that you may have strength to escape all these things that are going to take place, and to stand before the Son of Man.

Since this will be the situation when God comes to bring time to a close and to destroy sin from the face of the earth; and most especially, when you think that we only have one life, that is only one chance, and whoever gets it wrong cannot come back and try again, it is surely amazing that many put their trust in merely human self-appointed and self-opiniated, teachers, gurus, prophets, and guides!  Divine holiness, majesty and power will be manifested; all-seeing knowledge and inscrutable wisdom will be deployed; and yet, you find some devilishly proud and presumptuous people saying to others who are, incredibly, foolish enough to listen to them: “Follow me, do what I am doing, see how I am enjoying myself!  It won’t be that hard at the end … we just go to sleep, there is nothing after that!”  Issues that have exercised human minds and involved human hearts and consciences from man’s beginning, which have provoked a morally unanimous religious awareness, appreciation, and response from humankind, are challenged and called into question by individuals whose pride is overwhelming and whose life but a fleeting shadow.  They spew out teachings which, seemingly human, are ultimately devilish: sexuality is not something given by nature but something to be ‘more or less’ genetically arranged according to personal preference; homosexuality is an equal option for life alongside marriage between a man and a woman; or again, there is no right and wrong, there is no truth, it is only a matter of social or political correctness and human upbringing; what used to be called ‘sin’ is but the result of genetic disturbance; and human life has no other dignity than what we accord it.

Dear People of God, life for us believers, is a wondrous mystery:  what is its true meaning; has it an ultimate purpose? Of ourselves, we could only guess. Mysterious too are the essential elements of the life we experience:  what is love; how can one find happiness and peace of heart? why is life so tasteless without hope? what is truth? where is justice??  Again, why do we feel, inside, that some things are wrong; and why – having done such things, even though in secret -- do we feel disturbed, ill at ease, indeed, under threat???  Such questions as these are of vital importance, because both reason and experience teach us that life is problematical: money cannot buy happiness, worldly success or renown cannot guarantee peace of heart, nor can present pleasure foster future hope.

Here then, as we begin the season of Advent, we are urged by Mother Church to do some serious thinking.  We are urged look into our hearts, to sound those hidden depths that we so rarely penetrate in our everyday life and activity, for only there can we find some appreciation and understanding of the mystery of our make-up as persons, as individuals who have been made in a divine likeness.  For all of us do believe that we are special: none of us can tolerate injustice done against us, and we all hate lies and love truth as they affect our lives.  Who is there that does not know that life inspires hope, while death, on the other hand, provokes despair?  Inexplicably, we feel ourselves made for life, even though all things else are made and are content to die a natural death.

People of God, we Catholics are Christians -- the original and authentic Christians -- called to bring the Gospel, the Good News, to the whole world, throughout time.  And the message we are commissioned to bring is that Jesus Christ is the only answer to the mystery of human existence and the supreme hope for our human destiny: He alone can bring peace and hope into our hearts and minds, together with the strength to live and love aright both in society and as individuals.  Above all, we are to proclaim Jesus Christ as the only One Who can raise us up to aspire to a heavenly destiny; a destiny before God the Father which will be the glorious and eternal fulfilment of all our possibilities, powers, and longings.  Our teaching is certain and clear:

Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me. (John 14:6)  I and My Father are One. (John 10:30)

Because the Father Who calls us to Jesus has committed all things to Him, so we too, who answer the Father’s call, come to Jesus as His disciples, commit ourselves totally to His Spirit that He might form us in the likeness of Jesus as true children of the Father: there is nothing hidden or horrible in our lives where His presence cannot bring healing and hope, where His rule will not bring peace and fulfilment. 

In all such ways does God’s Providence and Love govern, sustain, and guide our lives that we might ultimately be made able to humbly accept and whole-heartedly embrace what is sure to come:

The Son of Man coming in a cloud with power and great glory. (And) when these things begin to happen, look up and lift up your heads, because your redemption draws near.   

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